roses in vase - iceberg, rugosa and sweet peas

In a Vase on Monday – Roses and Sweet Peas

A week of sunshine and suddenly all of the roses are out, and I’m trying to pick all the Sweet Peas to keep them going. I still haven’t put the tomatoes out though, in case a big wind comes up.
glass vase of flowers

Continue reading “In a Vase on Monday – Roses and Sweet Peas”

acidanthera dahlia coreopsis tropical milk weed cut flowers

In a Vase on Monday – all sorts

I actually planned my vase this week, but I didn’t follow the plan, and then my next plan didn’t work out. I was going to make a vase with Magnolia grandiflora. The big white blossoms have been catching my attention with their lemony exotic scent as I’ve walked past. And then I discovered that the first of the Acidantheras were flowering. I’ve been waiting for these for ages. AKA Gladiolus callianthus or Gladiolus murialae these are related to Gladiolus but scented and triangular with a dark purple throat. Continue reading “In a Vase on Monday – all sorts”