Spring bulbs and Scabiosa in a vase on Monday

Scabiosa ‘Black Night’ is another summer flower which put on a growth spurt during the extra warm winter weather in June. Luckily it’s in a dryish sunny bed close to the house, so was sheltered from the frosts and cold rain which July has brought. I love this flower, and Penstemon ‘Raven’, which is growing in the same bed, along with Osteospermum ‘Buttermilk’ which is making a fairly unenthusiastic attempt at flowering. Crepuscule roses farther from the house are covered with drooping buds.

The first of the Dutch Iris has bloomed, and a dill is blooming in a well drained bed. Narcissi of all types are blooming in most places and smelling sweet.

It’s interesting to see that vases from all around the world today have calendulas – this one is a self sown one from an original sowing of ‘Snow Princess’. Osteospermum Buttermilk looks a bit the same in this photo, but it has the darker coloured back of the petals and a darker center which isn’t showing.

It’s another cold and rainy day today, and while I am shivering, it’s comforting to see Cathy’s Sizzling Vase and other hot weather flowers at Rambling in the Garden.

Salvia flower with Erysimum

Lots of scents in a vase on Monday

A mixture of strong scents are in my vase this week. One of the strongest and and a favourite of me and the bees is the yellow Erysimum, a shrubby perennial wallflower which flowers all winter.

Vase of cut flowers - narcissus

The Narcissus Earlicheer, Soleil d’or, and Grand Monarch all have strong scents, each a little different. The kniphofia is a small, fine leaf type, maybe poco yellow, or yellow popsicle.

The Salvia is either ‘Amore’ or Salvia sagittata. I’ve only taken a little of that as all the bees love it and I like to leave it for them when it’s warm enough for them to venture out. Thank you to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden who has Zinnias this week.

spring bulbs narcissus and verbena

In a Vase on Monday – Spring Bulbs

It was a brilliant sunny morning after a freezing night, and there were still spots of frost in the shadows. I filled a vase with water in the porch and headed out with some scissors to pick flowers. When I came back there was a small weta floating spreadeagled in the vase. I scooped him out and put him down in the sun, worried about his dip in the freezing water, but he quickly started looking for shelter and shade, first trying the vase, and then the scissors as a hiding place.

Continue reading “In a Vase on Monday – Spring Bulbs”

narcissus avalanche cut flowers macro with oranges

In a Vase on Monday, Citrus Colours

I have loved ‘citrus colours’ – lime green, orange, and lemon yellow since I was young, and as a student once went a whole year wearing lime green overalls with orange, red and pink underneath. For my vase today the first yellow daffodils contributed the lemon colour to the oranges, mandarins, and limes blown onto the ground after the storm on Friday.

daffodil and narcissus with oranges in trug

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In a Vase on Monday – Roses in Winter

Wow, last year at this time I had tulips and hyacinths, no roses in sight. The tulips are still only small, and daily being eaten by a stoat, I think. So there may be none at all at this rate.

While much of the country has had record snow falls last week and some are still without power, we didn’t even have a frost, which was nice for the new twin lambs frisking around the next door paddock. There must have been strong winds though, and the olive branches in my vase are from the olive tree which was on the ground when we arrived.

Continue reading “In a Vase on Monday – Roses in Winter”