frost on agranthemum daisy bush

Garden bloggers foliage day – frost

I was hoping to take some photos of various Hebes to continue Christina’s discussion about plants which are naturally ‘pruned’, but the weather is slashing wind and horizontal rain today. I  have some photos from the frost a couple weeks ago instead.

We don’t have many frosts a year, so I’m always excited to rush out early and see it before it melts away. This particular morning there was a half inch layer of ice on the dog’s water dish, and a bright sun making everything sparkle.

Continue reading “Garden bloggers foliage day – frost”

Garden on a small slope

Spring Weather and New Garden Bed

It’s been pouring steadily all day. Rivers of water are running down the drive and puddles are forming all across the lawn. It’s 7pm and we have had 64 mm so far today, so if it keeps on like this it will be 3 inches by midnight.

Continue reading “Spring Weather and New Garden Bed”

Passion fruit

Rain and new plants

It’s Friday night, and there was 44 mm of rain in the rain gauge. Lots to do so a quick list.

-transplant stock seedlings from where they have grown in the garden
-review autumn seeds, plant kale and others
-transplant self sown lettuce and red silverbeet
-plant daffodils, liriope and coral bells
-divide and transplant red hot pokers
-divide and transplant salvia uliginosa
-dig up comfrey and plant more mustard and lupins
-take cuttings of pink penstemons and mauve
-divide any other perennials

We picked up 10 bags of organic chicken poo on the way. There was a bit of a mixup in collection, so I got the chance to stop at a ‘wholesale plants’ place while we waited. I got lots of plants of Liriope and Heuchera. I think the Liriope is ‘Muscari’ – it was called ‘Muscat’, and I think the Heuchera is ‘Sanguina’ although the sign seemed to say ‘Strangler’. These are pretty pot bound and have Oxalis in them so I am pulling them apart into small plants and cleaning them out before planting them with the daffodils.

I have found a good orange tomato and have the seeds fermenting in a jar on the windowsill along with passion fruit seeds.

The passion fruit plant is coming into its 4th year and is heavily loaded with around 30 or more fruit. It’s in a sunny but exposed spot, but well drained, next to a drain and a magnolia grandiflora and between 2 gravel driveways.