More sweet scents, Gladiolus murielae

I always think of these as Callianthus, and they are also known as fragrant Gladiolus, which makes total sense to me. Some people say the scent is like Gardenia; to me it smells like tropical evenings, a nice vision in this frosty weather.

The ones I planted years ago have been miserable and haven’t flowered since the trees around them grew big. This one popped up in a small terracotta pot on a sunny deck – a strong hint that I need to move them to a sunnier spot! They normally flower in autumn, but it’s been a warm winter until 2 weeks ago, and I suppose it’s been so dry in the little pot that it didn’t start to grow until late.

Thanks to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden who has a sweet vase of Cornflowers today.

5 thoughts on “More sweet scents, Gladiolus murielae

    1. It’s possible they vary in scent – these ones are definitely strongly scented in the vase and I remember when there were a lot of them you could smell the scent on the air. I suppose you could have them in a pot – the one this one self sowed into is little and was full of seedlings, so wouldn’t take much room inside.

  1. I think these have also been known as acidanthera, haven’t they? And I certainly would never have imagined they would be fragrant either. They look both perfect and elegant in this tall slim vase enjoy them, as I am sure you will!

    1. They used to be acidanthera and callianthus, I think. I specially bought them for the fragrance and they haven’t disappointed, but I think they rust like Gladiolus if they get too damp. I’ve just moved a bunch to a dry sunny place, so hopefully I’ll have more next year.

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